The wait is finally over now for all those candidates who appeared for joint entrance examination & are eagerly waiting for their result which will be announced by Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) today 27 April 2016 on the official website as well as will also be hosted here on this webpage. JEE Main paper I and paper II offline exam was conducted on April 3 & online exam on April 9, 10 across 2000 centres in India, around 12 lac candidates have appeared for examination and now are waiting for JEE Main Result. Candidates who are qualified in this exam will get admissions into NIT’s/IIIT’s/DTU/CFTI’s and other allied institutes on the basis of overall merit list. Only top 200,000 candidates on all the qualifying candidates will be allowed to appear for final the JEE Advanced Examination which will take place on May 23, 2016 across various centers.Paper-1 was all about objective type questions for the subjects Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.
Paper-2 was all about Mathematics section, Aptitude Test, and Drawing Test.
JEE Main exam was of total 360 marks and each section (Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics) carrying 120 marks. The total number of questions were 90 divided equally in each subject. There was negative marking of 1 mark for each incorrect response. No marks will be given for un-attempted questions.
Director of Akash Educational Services Akash Chaudhary added, “Expected cut-off can be pegged around 108-112 marks range. The paper though was relatively easier than last year, some had some lengthy calculation questions in Maths and some real simple questions straight from NCERT, which made students make mistakes.
Category JEE Main 2015 Cutoff Score
General 105
SC 50
ST 44
The candidates can check the JEE Mains Result here and also on the official website of the board. For this, all the candidates are requested to include Roll number and Date of Birth. JEE Main rank card indicating All India Rank, State Rank and Category Rank with total marks and marks in each paper will be available soon on the official website after the declaration of Result. Candidates who actively participated in the exam and performed well will be called for further Advanced Exam.1. Browse for the main website of the board or click here
2.Search for ‘JEE Mains Result’
3.Fill the application number and password
4.Now tap on submit button
5.Your results will be displayed & you can take a print or can save it in your PC for future reference.
Merit list will have 60% of JEE Main Marks and 40% of normalized board marks. After this JEE Advanced examination will be held on May 23 for which top 2 lac candidates of JEE Main are eligible to take part. This fight is to gain seats in 10,000 seats in the prestigious IIT’s/ISM Dhanbad. Those who are unable to clear JEE Advanced can get admission in other private colleges in India based on their All India Ranks. Candidates who also cleared the advanced stage of JEE Mains will be eligible to take admissions into different engineering programmes of NITs and IITs including other centrally funded technical institutes across the country.

If You Can team wishes you all, best of luck for your JEE Main Result. We hope you all founded this post informative and if you are having any queries related to this topic feel free to comment in the box given below. Don’t forget to share it among other candidates who are extremely waiting for their results, go ahead & bookmark this webpage for latest trending updates related to education.